A less enturbulated place to discuss the ongoing battle between Anonymous and the Church of $cientology.

Monday, 28 April 2008

What Is Anonymous?

The difficulty people have with boiling down simply and easily the nature of Anonymous is writ large throughout much of the media coverage available. It is too often described as a "leaderless group of hackers," which is an understandable assumption. One only need look at the history of, and I shudder to use the phrase, the Anonymous brand to see where this analysis comes from. Its early days on the 2chan boards, its often politically unsound obssessions and illegal activities, and its nebulous form makes the "leaderless group of hackers" label the nearest and easiest thing to plump for, especially when trying to give as concise a description as your editor needs so he can run the pictures of the guys in masks that he wants for page 6.
But can one be trapped by one's origins to such a degree? Are we, for all our millions of years of evolution, still just amoeba? Clearly not.
Two things seem to have occured with regards Anonymous over the past few months. Firstly, following the initial wave of illegal or otherwise dubious activities against the Church of Scientology, Mark Bunker instilled in the collective a firm moral position that has shaped future demonstrations and actions. Secondly, despite Anonymous originating on the Japanese 2chan, and developing on the English 4chan, they had already begun recruiting from non-chan sources. This continued as they made their stand against the Church of Scientology, with many people choosing Anonymous as a means to voice their concerns about the organisation's behaviour. This means that the Anonymous that now exists holds only a slight resemblance to its former self. It is true that the channers are still out there. It is true that some of them aren't best pleased with what has happened to Anonymous. Both of these things are more or less irrelevant though.
I liken the new Anonymous to being a brand identity for anonymity itself. Anonymous, as has been said elsewhere, is an adjective, and in that respect it is not a group or a collective at all. The trouble is, most who encounter it, and some who even support it, consider it to be a noun, and try and deal with it or describe it as such. As an adjective it is far too nebulous an entity to be so tied down to a description. The closest it gets to being a noun is through its emergent qualities; the successful memes that bubble to the surface; the establishment of a (never black and white) stance or viewpoint based on the data that is collected and shared between its members; the self-organised demonstrations, arrived at by additive contribution in much the same way that Wikipedia is.
Such ad hoc groups have been created before. They are dependent on new technologies that allow for social networking with minimal "transactional cost"; they have huge reach for negligible expenditure in money, time or effort. There are sites out there devoted to creating such groups - there are, it is true, individuals who set up those sites, but they do not fill them, they do not choose the path that those sites follow - the owner of the sandpit does not control the castles built therein. What makes Anonymous stand apart from these, and it is only slight, is the centralisation of that anonymity, to make sure that it is core to whatever grows around it.
The other thing that makes Anonymous so powerful is the ability for people to make use of it; the brand identity of Anonymous becomes a recognisable tool that can be put to all sorts of purposes, both good and bad. I note here that in some circles this has led to an adoption of the same kind of escape clause that most religions use - that the good part is for the religion, and the bad part is aberration. Within Anonymous it is Anonymous that has the epic win, and individual participants that fail. I make no judgement of that arrangement, despite making those judgements when writing about religion, because Anonymous is a tool, and tools can be used for good or for bad. Religion, and for that matter Scientology, claims to be more than a tool. Often its crimes are directly related to its own beliefs and policies. Anonymous has no belief or policy, no more than a hammer has belief or policy, no more than "quick" has belief or policy.
My Guy Fawkes mask hangs on a hook just inside my front door. I first wore it at a demo in March. I put it on; I take it off. That is all Anonymous is.