A less enturbulated place to discuss the ongoing battle between Anonymous and the Church of $cientology.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Thank You "Tom Newton," or Should I Call You Jake?

Originally posted on http://www.jimjesus.com

Because you go around using my handle, people are Googleing me or going to my blog via links you provide. My readership and AdSence revenue is though the roof!

So thank you!

Again if you came here because you saw me say things that were racist or pro-scientology; it's not me.

Anyways I have been outwitting this "Tom" guy who a while now (though it's not hard to do.) For example; I have installed a traffic analyser to this site and dropped bait for Tom to come here and post, and he took it hook, line and sinker! This is also the same IP that comes up every time I get a threatening Anonymous comment. So if you get a threatening Anonymous, it's probably this guy!

I did a trace route that leaded me to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Which is weird considering Tom Newton lived in the state of Washington.

Of all the people on the internet, I got a nice e-mail from none other than Jonathan Barbera a few days later dropping me some information. Telling me that the "Tom Newton" we all know and hate is gone forever. Alan Conner, his real name is innocent and has nothing to do with the Tom Newton of Anonymous is a Hate Group Blog. The guy who runs the site and uses the handle Tom Newton (and now revjimjesus and machvon@gmail.com) is none other than Jacob K. Reist aka Jake Vigil aka JKR!

When I read this I was like "Pfft, yea right!" Jonathan Barbera isn't exactly the bastion of reliable information. I thought I'd humor him and look him up anyways and found this ED page.


Humm a troll trolling Anonymous Scientology protesters in Albuquerque, NM? Really now, that are the odds? Apparently he tried to troll Anonymous and they got the best of him and he went away. ...Or did he? Perhaps his hate blog is just an attempt at revenge under another nick people already hate so he could get away from all the drama of getting fucked with in real life and pass the blame on to a now retired troll.

This is the REAL Tom Newton's profile. He hasn't made a post since September of '08. His last post says:

"Note that there has been someone on that anonymous-hate-group-blogspot (you know what I mean) who has been posting under the name Tom Newton for a long time, and Jonathon tells me he is still active. That isn't me and this should be obvious from what he has to say. " - Tom Newton

Though it pains me to admit it, I think Jonathan was right! Thought I would like to investigate it further. If anyone knows anything drop me a line at questions@jimjesus.com

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Scientology and the OT Superheros

It is hard to talk rationally with a Scientologist. This is because Scientology has many thought stopping mechanisms to prevent real communication. The most famous of these is the 'what are your crimes' routine. By going into one of these the Scientologist can establish that you are the enemy and break communication. Certainty is a virtue in Scientology. A person who is certain (but wrong) is higher on the tone scale than someone who is uncertain but mainly right. This makes the Scientologist very uncomfortable whenever he begins to feel doubt and he is likely to resolve this by shouting.

Ask questions that plant doubts without setting off thought stopping rituals.

Ask why the Church does not simply demonstrate OT abilities to an independent body. This would silence the critics immediately.

Do this in innocence- as if you were fully convinced of OT superpowers.

Scientology and Stalin.

There are a number of strange creepy parallels between Scientology and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

'How can this be?' you may ask- 'LRH was always so anti communist'.

My answer is that LRH always criticises those he plagiarises. Dianetics is little more than a combination of early Freud and stage hypnotism- and LRH spent half the book criticising both these things.

1. Central planning. Both Scientology and Stalin are great control freaks. Both use an obsessive form of planning by objectives by which targets are set for every imaginable activity. Both churned out the same sort of propaganda by statistic. Stats are always up!!!

2. Cult of personality. It was common to applaud photographs of Stalin at public meetings in exactly the same way LRH is applauded today.

3. Prestige projects. The Soviet Union under Stalin was fond of gigantic investments that often made little economic sense. A network of canals was build that was slightly too shallow for the boats it was intended for. Many thousands died in the building of these canals but the canals themselves were not the real point. The main product were a range of plays and films about the construction effort itself. The Co$ is building its own canals in the form of white elephant 'Super Power' buildings that never seem to get completed.

4. The Gulag and the RPF. The early Gulag was seen as a means to reform citizens through self criticism and honest work- almost exactly like the RPF but less psychologically destructive. Later on the Gulags became a necessary part of the Soviet planning mechanism and attempts to reform were dropped.

5. Fear of the Other. Stalin had his Spies and his Wreckers. David Miscarriage has his SP's. The effect is the same- to provide a ready excuse for failure.

Scientology and Art.

LRH talked a great deal about Art but one wonders if he had an MU (misunderstood word).

Writing is an art form and so it was natural for LRH to view artistic work as an indication of a fully rounded human being. Dianetics was originally largely about unblocking individuals so that their creative energies may run free. I suspect that LRH's interest in the mind sprang from his need to write and his inability to do so while depressed. Indeed, his need to create fantasies was so great that he created a fantasy version of himself and later created a religion that denied objective reality altogether. The frustrations and depression that LRH experienced were probably nothing more than the collision of his dream world with reality. Psychiatrists and psychologists would have tried to remove his illusions. This caused him to flee in terror as soon as he realised this. LRH even sought treatment at one point but realised that he could not live without his protective illusions. Once we realise this all of his later ravings about suppressive psychiatrists make perfect sense. 'Psychs' tried to separate him from the only thing that was allowing him to function- his imagined self. Psychiatry would have robbed him of all his imaginary OT powers and may even have robbed him of the compulsion to write. The one thing that is truly impressive about the early LRH is the sheer volume of tosh that he produced.

Dianetics, and later on Scientology were genuinely concerned with art and artists. Why, then has so little good art been produced under Scientology? Why has Scientology become the graveyard of artists? I argue this is because LRH failed to understand what art actually is.

Dianetics and Scientology were created as a protective envelope for LRH and his illusions about himself. As such, they probably boosted his self confidence and allowed him to express himself more freely. Unfortunately there can only be one LRH and so it has the opposite effect upon other people. Scientology allowed LRH to express his opinion on every subject but it prevents his followers from doing the same.

Imagine you are a Scientology writer...

What can you write about? Factual guides and pulp fiction would be acceptable but anything else would be Verbal Tech. None of your characters could have real depth because this would involve the discussion of human nature.

Imagine you are a Scientology painter...

You can use no muted colours and no ambiguous subjects. These would be seen as low toned. LRH described Clear art as 'gaudy'. The real life examples I have seen include unicorns and space ships firing lasers at one another. These have the emotional depth of a twelve year old and are probably not art at all.

Imagine you are a musician...

Things are a little better. The problem for you is that Scientology is a hierarchy and most rock groups do not work like this. The Jive Aces are technically good but their form of music is constrained by the authoritarian nature of the Sea Org. There is little self expression there.

If you are an actor...

You can be a reasonably good actor in Scientology- but not a great one. Tom Cruse and John Travolta always play themselves to an extent. They cannot use the Method as this would involve leaving the tone scale behind.

So there you have it. Scientology draws artists in and then limits them. No authoritarian society can ever accept the artist because artists are always honest. Ultimately honesty will always destroy any authoritarian setup. Scientology cannot foster art because art is a matter of individual perception. No cult can ever alow true art because it cannot alow the idea that people have the right to see things differently.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

A Sample Why You Should Question Everything on "Anonymous Hate Group" Blog

Tom Newton just twitted about his new footbullet blog post where he tries to prove that Anonymous stalks Scientologists (ignoring the fact he stalks Anonymous members himself.)

enturbulation Anonymous Stalking Kansas Scientologists:http://anonymous-is-a-hateg...
12 minutes ago from web


Right off the bat, he's showing he's a fucking moron. The Kansas City org is in Missouri, not Kansas. I know, I've been there on numerous occasions. it's in the really bad part of town. The first time I picketed there, we had crack dealers selling crack right behind us and we were afraidthey were going to rob or hurt us. So much for cleaning up that sector of the Galaxy. Metro security has alleviated a lot of the ugliness of that area today but it's still bad and Scientology hasn't lifted a finger to help other than announce they were moving downtown. Anyways, take the fucking time to check your facts, everyone knows when you talk about Kansas City, you can't assume it's Kansas or Missouri, because it can be one or the other. Assuming makes an ass out of u and me; and Tom manages to only make himself look like an ass. 
he goes on: 

Anonymous member "MarlysFan" is divulging all the personal data he can about Scientology parishoners belonging to the Kansas City Org. This singling out of individuals is technically called "religious persecution":

Wow, Marlysfan? Anonymous? Since when? Funny her and I go way back... 3 years or so when we first picketed the Kansas City Org (in Missouri) long before Project Chanology and none of us were wearing mask. We've conducted numerous pickets, and never worn a mask. Her name is Lydia Fultz. She's made that public since day one of her activism. 

What a retard. Anyways, go ahead and find spelling errors in this page to fool yourself into thinking you are somehow smarter or better than me. Just know that if you would of just Googled 'marlysfan' you would have found all this out yourself. 

Some crack investigation you do over at Anonymous Hate Group Blog. Scoff.